Monday, December 3, 2012

Too many bosses, too few leaders: The three essential principles you need to become an extraordinary leader

By Rajeev Peshawaria

Book review by Richard L. Weaver II, Ph.D.

I am totally unfamiliar with Peshawaria, but his short biography on the back flyleaf is impressive: [He is] “currently the Chief Executive Officer of the ICLIF Leadership & Governace Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  He was a founding member of Goldman Sachs’s leadership development program called Pine Street and served as Chief Learning Officer for Morgan Stanley and the Coca-Cola Company as well as Global Director of Leadership Development programs at American Express.”  That kind of a background is impressive and proves that Peshawaria has experience to share with readers.

I liked this book for the way Peshawaria writes and for the wonderful examples he uses throughout the book.  I loved his three essential principles: 1) clearly define your purpose and your values, 2) nobody can motivate another person because every individual comes premotivated, and 3) a leader’s job is to create the conditions that will galvanize the energy of others to facilitate sustainable collective success (pp. xvi-xviii).

I am not suggesting that this book is full of revelations or new discoveries, because it is not.  It is definitely for beginning leaders because the stories here are motivational, encouraging, and certainly full of useful (for beginning leaders) insights and observations.  I loved the author’s own personal experiences, and I believe his advice is spot on.  With a background like his (see paragraph one above), you would not only expect but respect his additional personal experiences.

Peshawaria writes directly to the reader: “As you read about these real features in more detail below, consider one more key point about employee motivation” (p. 5).  You really feel 1) Peshawaria knows what he is talking about, 2) has a real, sincere passion for sharing what he knows, and 3) wants readers to understand, learn, and absorb his lessons.  It is truly a delightful experience—one that makes you feel you are in the hands of a benevolent mentor.

Although I can’t compare this book with other similar leadership books—since this is not my area of expertise or reading experience—I do think Peshawaria has something significant and important to say to young leaders, leaders looking for an extra shot in the arm, or leaders who are simply looking for confirmation and reassurance that what they are doing is correct, and it is for these reasons that I recommend this book without hesitation or reservation.  Besides, he’s a good writer, and the book is a good read.

Too many busses, too few leaders: The three essential principles you need to become an extraordinary leader can be purchased at Amazon.  

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