by Jeff Jarvis
Book Review by Richard L. Weaver II, Ph.D.
I found this book fascinating simply because it challenges you to think. Jeff Jarvis has numerous credentials. He is on the faculty of the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism. He was the creator and founding editor of Entertainment Weekly. He writes the new media column for the Guardian in London.
What would Google Do?
The second part of the book, “If Google Ruled the World.” Jarvis simply applies the rules discussed in the first part of the book to a long list of businesses: media, advertising, retail, utilities, manufacturing, service, money, public welfare, public institutions, and exceptions. In the third part (only 10 pages long) called, “Generation G,” Jarvis focuses on social implications of the new power structure, dramatically democratized by Google's solutions. In one review, B. Mann writes, “While many companies were sleeping, the rules of business changed, at least as it pertains to business built on, or enabled by, the internet. Or maybe not all the rules changed (e.g. Wal-Mart, the big dog, will remain the big dog), but a new set of rules has been layered on top (e.g. small is the new big).
With those new rules (plus, admittedly, luck), Google has become a behemoth, cyberly speaking. In the process, Google helped redefine the fundamental nature of the relationships between seller, buyer, advertiser, and the "middlemen" whose value in society is rapidly evaporating.”
Although there is a bit too much of Jarvis in this book, it is still a worthwhile read. It is not a book about what Google does, but a book of what we can do with Google. And, furthermore, it is not a practical book, a well-organized book, or one that offers a deep understanding, but I think it offers a preliminary look at the way Internet-based relationships fuel a new business model, and I found it enjoyable simply because it is speculative. It makes you think!
Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet
by Ian F. McNeely with Lisa Wolverton
Book Review by Richard L. Weaver II, Ph.D.
In this delightful, well-written, and fully documented 276-page (of text) book, with 25 pages of notes, you will discover a wonderful, fully absorbing, history book that, in my mind, completely and satisfactorily answers the question the authors set out to answer: How does history help us understand the vast changes we are now experiencing in the landscape of knowledge? Further, what are the pivotal points of institutional change and cultural transformation from the classical period to the present?
With Reinventing Knowledge
Because of my background in speech communication, I was particularly drawn to the early section in which they explain the public arenas of democratic Athens where competitive speech and writing took center stage, but were considered an inferior path to truth. There was, then, a shift to knowledge as written then, in another shift, to libraries that could produce Homer’s epics as well as the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible — which made knowledge portable. In yet another shift, monasteries arose as key knowledge institutions to not just preserve written culture of the ancient past but create new frameworks for understanding as well.
It was with the creation of universities that knowledge was again embraced and there was an emphasis on performance, use of the spoken word, and the questioning of texts. This is how the authors proceed through the book, and it makes for fascinating reading.
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